Teater dan Tarian Ballet Enchanted Forest Dari D' Danze Academy

D'Danze Academy akan menganjurkan persembahan Tarian Ballet sekali setiap tiga tahun untuk memastikan para pelajarnya mahir dengan apa yang telah diajar. 

Di akhir tahun 2017 ini, D'Danze Academy telah mengadakan pementasan teater menerusi tarian balletnya yang bertajuk "Enchanted Forest".

Ia telah berlangsung pada 15 Disember 2017 bertempat di Damansara Performing Arts Centre (DPAC), Damansara Perdana jam 8.30 malam. 

Enchanted Forest dari D'Danze Academy

Untuk pengetahuan anda, Enchanted Forest merupakan persembahan dari D'Danze Academy dengan kerjasama D'Dance Center beserta Sekolah Muzik Danze dan Tarian Pointe. Kisah di Enchanted Forest ini merupakan ramuan asli dari Pengarahnya sendiri iaitu Dianne Yap dan Ooi Mee Kean. 

Menerusi Enchanted Forest ini, sejumlah 139 penari telah mengambil bahagian berusia lingkungan 4 hingga 22 tahun. Para pelajar yang terlibat berpeluang mengalami pengalaman berada di pentas di hadapan khalayak ramai dengan tarian bergenre outside ballet.

Enchanted Forest: The Story

Jamie was that exact child, in that exact situation. A bad combination indeed, for that nagging, burning little “why” was the very “how” that the forbidden chest was opened. Out came the Curses – Poverty, Sickness, Depression, Hatred, Pride, Desire, Indolence, Cowardice – bringing misery and destruction to all mankind.

In the wake of such a tragedy, Jamie was approached by a little pixie. It took a little comforting and
coaxing, but eventually, the child got up, determined to make amends, and followed the pixie into the
Enchanted Forest.

The Curses were out there, and there was no way to recapture them. Instead, all Jamie could do was
seek out the five Jewels.

Sinopsis Enchanted Forest

The chest in the corner must never, ever be opened.

Everybody knew that. I knew that. But nobody knew why. Why shouldn't the chest be opened? What lay inside? Was it treasure? Toys? Somebody's secret candy stash?

I had to know... I had to peek inside -

Whoosh! - All of a sudden I felt cold, chilled to the bone. And then I was terrified. Several dark figures loomed before me, and ... and they weren't human! The first three introduced themselves as the Ailments - Poverty, Sickness and Depression - then another five claimed to be the Vices - Hatred, Pride, Desire, Indolence and Cowardice. They taunted me, saying that I had freed them to plague the human world. I tried to close the lid of the chest to stop them. But it was too late. They had slithered out the window and disappeared into the night.

What have I done! As I sobbed and sobbed, another little creature appeared - it was a pixie. It pacified me and told me that there was a remedy to rectify things. I had to be brave and to venture into the Enchanted Forest, and seek the five jewels. This was my only chance. 

So here I am, in a strange new world that I've never seen, searching, searching ...

"When you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope."

Enchanted Forest telah berlangsung di Damansara Performing Arts Centre (DPAC) pada:

15 Disember 2017 jam 8.00 malam
16 Disember 2017 jam 2.00 petang
17 Disember 2017 jam 8.00 malam

Team Propa Rangers di Pementasan Teater dan Tarian Ballet Enchanted Forest
Dari kiri: KoCai, Otomen Taro dan LeYa

Bagi anda yang berkelapangan, jom turun ke Damansara Performing Arts Centre (DPAC) di akhir tahun 2017 ini untuk memberi sokongan kepada pelajar yang telah membuat persembahan itu. 

Tiket boleh didapati dengan harga RM98 dan RM68. Tiket kepada yang bergelar pelajar, anda boleh dapatkan dengan harga promosi Beli 10 Pecuma 1.

Maklumat lanjut mengenai Enchanted Forest, anda boleh layari www.dpac.com.my atau hubungi 03-4065 0001

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  1. Wow... sangat menarik dan teruja. Berwarna warni teringin nak tengok persembahan yang macam ni satu hari nanti. Sangat best.

  2. Belum pernah menontot theater, Kata org penyampaian teater lebih dekat penghayatan nya kepada penonton..hmmmm teruja plak Nak pegi menonton

    1. Betul tu... Teater lebih menyeronokkan dan dekat dengan hati penonton.
