Malaysia, 23 Januari 2020 - 7 April 2020 akan menjadi tarikh bersejarah di mana China telah mengambil langkah untuk kuarantin seluruh bandar raya Wuhan dengan lebih 11 juta orang penduduk dalam usaha menghentikan penularan virus yang dahsyat dan mengancam dunia. Namun, dalam masa dua bulan itu wabak pandemik coronavirus telah mengambil alih dunia, menutup negara dan memberi kesan kepada kehidupan sejagat.
Ia datang tanpa peringatan dan menyebar bak api yang marak. Discovery Channel telah membawa ahlinya untuk membantu menjawab segala persoalan mengenai krisis kesihatan global yang diancam musuh yang tidak kelihatan ini terhadap manusia. Sepanjang dua dokumentari telah disiarkan mengenai COVID-19. Ia bertujuan memecahkan perkembangan terbaharu dan berkongsi kisah dan pengajaran tentang mereka yang telah berjuang dengan musuh itu sendiri.

COVID-19: Battling the Devil
Airing on Sunday, 19 April at 9pm, is "COVID-19: Battling the Devil'' [Discovery Channel Astro Channel 572/552 (HD)]. The programme profiles the minutes that led to the mass quarantine of Wuhan, the Chinese city at the epicentre of the pandemic.
With unrivalled access to Wuhan city under lockdown, and to frontline doctors, scientists, volunteers and public officials, the documentary transports viewers inside the world’s biggest lockdown, as scientists race to understand and contain the virus. Through on-location interviews, the programme tells the story from inside the city: the tension and stress, courage and commitment of the citizens of Wuhan.
Through interviews with key players with simple re-enactments, experience first-hand what it took China to sift through genomes, economic impact, medical readiness, painstaking risk assessments and conflict of opinions. What we’ve learned from those first few weeks is now crucial to understanding what we’re facing today. These lessons could help the rest of the world in the battle to come.

Pandemic: COVID-19
The second programme, “Pandemic: COVID-19”, is set to premiere on Sunday, 26 April [9pm, on Discovery Channel Astro Channel 572/552 (HD)]. This hour-long special examines how, within a matter of weeks, COVID-19 spread throughout China and beyond, alarming healthcare professionals and scientists.
The programme will delve inside the fight to contain the pandemic with the latest news on how authorities across the world are coordinating to test and treat patients, and to prevent further spread. From the virus’ transmission to treatment, experts will reveal why COVID-19 is unique, why the world was so unprepared for it and what could be done differently to contain its spread.
The special also traces the origin of the outbreak in the United States to the first patient, its rapid spread in Seattle and probes the dramatic and unexpected transmission across the country. Discover the effects of the drastic measures happening across America as institutions, schools and businesses shut down to prevent transmission. Hear first-hand accounts from the experts in medicine on the frontlines as well as academia, government officials and patients.

Semoga Malaysia cepat sembuh dari covid19. amik laa seberapa banyak hari utk clearkan virus tu. janji Malaysia dan bumi aman dan bersih. amiiinnn